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Check me out! I'm a stud, right? Go on, admit it, you're loving everything you're seeing right now. Whether it's the boulder-like biceps or my eight-pack abs, there's a whole lot going on and I know you don't want to look away. Hell, you probably couldn't even if you wanted to! Guys who look as good as I do tend to pull attention whenever they walk into the room, it's just the way things go.

What's that? You used to have a body like this? Okay, sure, whatever. That doesn't really matter. You used to have a body like this after all, you don't anymore. Bodies like this belong to alpha studs like me, not scrawny nerds like you. Who you used to be isn't even worth acknowledging anymore - god knows I don't ever think about the fat waste of space I was before the Great Change!

As far as I'm concerned, the Great Change did everybody a favor. It put us in the bodies we truly belonged in and if you went from college jock to skinny office techie then clearly you were more submissive than you wanted to admit. Meanwhile guys like me, guys who always deserved better than our genetics allowed, were finally gifted what we should have had all along. 

Back when I was first in my twenties - and trust me that was a long time ago - I'd always try to stay in shape but I've never been good at resisting the lure of candy and alcohol and soon I was packing on the pounds. I'd dream of having abs but it was never a realistic possibility. Now though I'm rocking an eight-pack and I've got chicks and other dudes all begging to touch them! I should have been treated with this much respect from day one but it's fine, I know things are now finally how they were always meant to be.

Now I know you're enjoying this private cam show but unless you're going to keep throwing some bucks into my online account then I'm going to offer someone else a private 'flex sesh'. Hmm, maybe I'll charge you double for the next ten minutes. I don't much like having ugly nerds watching an alpha like me at work but if you're desperate enough then why not. The Great Change put you in that body for a reason and I think we both know it was so you can fill up my accounts while I show off everything you wish you still had!


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