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Vincent was a kleptomaniac. Maybe it was because before his mom had met his step-dad their family had absolutely nothing or maybe it was just because he was greedy - there was no concrete answer, all Vincent knew was that he had the uncontrollable urge to steal things. It didn't matter who he was stealing from - friends, family or even stores - because once he saw something he wanted, he was determined to take it.

Eventually though he was caught out and there was no way he was getting out of trouble considering the security guards at the local mall had caught him smuggling out a watch that was worth several thousand pounds. Vincent's family turned their back on him as he was put on trial and it was clear that he wouldn't be escaping jail, even just for a short stay.

It was Vincent's lawyer that first suggested the alternate imprisonment to him. They explained that there were a number of alternatives and each would limit the life that Vincent was allowed to life for however long his sentence was, but they would certainly be more enjoyable than sulking in a cell for the better part of a year or two. After the specifics were laid out, it was clear that it was the preferable option and Vincent agreed to it.

Sure enough just a few weeks later and the judge had sentenced him to eighteen months of 'alternative imprisonment' for his thieving habit. A number of men (many celebrities and others wealthy businessmen) who put money into law enforcement and the courts were eligible to take sentenced convicts into their custody, to transform them how they liked. Some chose to possess them while others froze them in lewd poses as statues to decorate their homes.

Vincent lucked out as the man he now belonged to for the next eighteen months was Gregg Sulkin, a young British actor who had relocated to Los Angeles to debut in MTV's Faking It. He had been fascinated by the idea of alternative imprisonment and was more than happy to get involved, especially as he was rewarded with a convict prisoner that he could transform at will.

Out on the press tour for his new show Runaways, Gregg was in need of some hot new fashion to create a good impression and he didn't even have to drop any money to make himself look good. Vincent accompanied him on the trip as a beautiful brown leather jacket that seemed to moan in delight whenever he was wrapped around the actor's toned upper body. Gregg's ego inflated somewhat as he realized that the presence of the other man on his body was making them both rather aroused.

Maybe once the press tour was over, Gregg could make Vincent into a fleshjack or something equally personal. He had a feeling that the next eighteen months were going to be a lot of fun for both of them!


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