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You know, a lot of people dismiss me as a brainless jock and I guess I can see why. I've got the big muscles and the popularity that you'd associate with the stereotype but I'm a lot more than that. Believe it or not my studies have always been important to me because my parents came from nothing and never got the chance to go to college. I was doing everything to prove to them that I wouldn't waste the opportunities that had been afforded of me.

Even though classes have been difficult at times, I've always had the drive to keep pushing myself and bounce back from any failures. Sometimes juggling classwork and football was difficult but I was determined to make it work, even if I had to be Superman to do so. Unfortunately a recent situation forced things out of my hands and that's become something of an issue for me.

A freak accident in a recent physics lesson caused a number of staff and students to switch bodies and I found myself switching with Preston, a trust fund baby who didn't have many brain cells populating his mind, nor much muscle on his bones. I had always thought he was a bit of a jerk and certainly didn't trust him with my body but it wasn't like I had much of a choice in the matter until our professor could find a way to reverse it all - from inside the body of one of the cheerleaders. Like I said, quite a few of us were affected.

Unfortunately things have turned out pretty much how I thought they would. It wasn't as if Preston was misusing my body in any way or treating it with disrespect - in fact he was even keeping to my diet plan and attending the usual gym sessions on my schedule - but it was his lack of motivation when it came to studying that was really grinding my gears. The college didn't want the body swap situation to reach the news so they were forcing us to keep it quiet and that meant pretending to the outside world that he was Brendan Rogers and I was Preston MacIntyre.

Brendan Rogers isn't just a dumb jock riding on his athletic abilities and popularity, although you'd never know that if you saw Preston in my body. He'd rather flex and pose than study and my grades have started to pay the price for it. I can only hope that things are reversed before news about my slipping grades makes it back to my parents...


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