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Welcome back to another edition of Mr Cavanaugh's weekly classic story recommendations! This time we'll be venturing over to the Aging Time blog, a sorely under-appreciated home of quality transformation stories. 

As you might have guessed from the title of the blog, the majority of their stories focus on age-related transformations such as switches, progression and regression and beyond. There's a number of great stories on their blog, a number of which shall no doubt end up as recommendations in the future, but my choice this week is:

"Dodgeball" by Aging Time 

I've long been a fan of transformations between teachers and their students, particularly sports coaches and the arrogant teachers that enjoy making their students' lives hell. I feel like that's something I have Young Trevor to thank for as it was through his stories that I was first exposed to body swaps between teachers and students, but this story by Aging Time tackles a similar subject in just as exciting a manner.

Coupled with a picture of a gorgeous sports coach, "Dodgeball" is a great little tale of a bullied student finally getting some well-deserved revenge on his tormentor. I'm a big fan of transformations that end with punishments for the aggressor and this really could be the poster child for that, with the mean coach getting a taste of his own medicine!

Do you have any favorite teacher-student transformations? Feel free to leave your own recommendations below and don't forget to go give Aging Time's blog some much-deserved love!


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