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Every year TFCorp hosts a New Year, New You festival which features one-hundred people switching bodies for either twelve months or a lifetime, depending on which they choose after the completion of those first twelve months. 

Understandably the demand to participate in NYNY has been high for the past thirty years of its existence and TFCorp makes its way through hundreds of thousands of applicants to pick out the very best, weeding out those with major criminal offences - for the most part. There were always some getting through the cracks, after all.

I had input my application back in September, eager as hell to escape my life as a depressed college kid with no idea what to do with his future. The past twenty years had delivered me a serious of lows without any extreme highs and I was sick of it, especially when I received yet another failing grade in one seriously hard college class my folks had talked me into taking. The option of escaping to somebody's life was pure bliss.

Much to my surprise and sheer relief, my application was picked out and a contract was delivered to my door. All I had to do was sign and I would be spending 2018 - and possibly beyond - in somebody else's body and life. There wasn't a single moment of hesitation before I signed my name on that dotted line.

On the morning of December 31st I was escorted to the TFCorp headquarters and was introduced to the doctors who would be performing the exchange between myself and the other person who had been randomly matched with me. With smiles on their faces they told me that I would enjoy the surprise and that they had no doubt I was going to be having a very good year.

Seeing my new reflection on January 1st came as something of a surprise, not only because the man grinning back at me was handsome, but because I knew him! Geoff Tatum was the father of my best friend back in high school and he had been one of the men who had caused me to rethink my heterosexuality and realize that I totally had a thing for older men. I hadn't seen him in years but I had never been able to forget that gorgeous face or perfect body and there it was in the mirror!

I had no idea what caused Geoff to sign up for the NYNY but I wasn't complaining in the slightest. I had asked for a brand new start and with a body that was twenty years older than my own and possessing a considerable amount more muscle and strength, the doors were wide open for me to do whatever the hell I wanted!

Now I can only hope that Geoff's as satisfied being in my body as I am being in his. Hell, I wonder if he even remembers the young man's face looking back at him in the mirror? It would certainly be quite the moment if we were to be reunited... especially with our roles reversed. Perhaps he'd find himself as the one staring at me for a change!

Well, until our paths cross, I guess I have a new life to get started. 2018 is going to be my year, I can just feel it!


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