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I can't believe this is actually happening right now. That's Ryan Fitzpatrick, the gorgeous husband of my bitch of a supervisor, and he's stood next to my Christmas tree asking me to come unwrap my presents. This is seriously insane and even though my first instinct was to believe that this was a dream - a very good dream - I knew that this was real. Ryan really was here, grinning at me with that perfect smile, and flaunting his amazing body.

"Come on, big boy, don't keep me waiting!" he exclaimed, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine. I had only ever spoken to him once before and he had been rather dismissive, although not nearly as unbearable as his wife was. She had made my life an absolute misery over the last year of working at the office and the only redeeming thing about her was that she had a gorgeous husband.

It took me several moments to notice that a piece of red string was wrapped around his wrist and attached to that string was a card. The logical part of my brain identified that it would likely possess some information to help me work out what the hell was going on so I moved forward and grabbed him by the hand. Much to my surprise there was no pulling away - instead Ryan just beamed, as if having me touch his hand was fulfilling one of his great life desires.

As predicted, the card did contain some answers although they still left me utterly perplexed. "A little payback for how Carol's been treating you this year!" the note read, signed off by "the boys down in printing". While I had befriended some of the guys working in the printing office several floors below my own, I had no idea they were capable of pulling off something like this... whatever the hell it was.

"Are you going to have fun with your present yet?" Ryan asked in an eager tone, moving to pose in a manner that properly flexed all of his muscle groups and show off what a stud he was. Carol was a lucky woman but right now her husband wasn't with her - he was with me and under some sort of hypnosis or magic that made him desire me. It was as if the 'boys down in printing' had read my mind because I felt comfortable saying it was the best gift I would receive all year, even though I hadn't unwrapped a single other present yet!

Several hours later and the other presents remained under the tree, completely untouched. I had been far too occupied touching Ryan, exploring every inch of his glorious body and living blissfully as he moaned out my name while I fucked him over and over again. He was a total horned-up slut, begging for more every time I pulled back to catch my breath. It was a lot to get used to but I was up to the challenge.

As far as Christmas mornings go, I have to say that 2017 might just take the cake...


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