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Despite the large house I owned and all the luxuries that occupied it, there was something gravely wrong in my life. I simply wasn't happy and the reason had become ever-present in my mind over the last few years since my early retirement at the age of sixty-five. 

I was a workaholic and had put my everything into advancing my career since the age of sixteen, missing out on pretty much every opportunity to enjoy my youth in the process. While my bank account comfortably stored tens of millions that would keep me set up for the rest of my life, I had nothing real to show for it. The house and my possessions didn't matter in the long run because I'd never formed any connections with people to share the wealth with. No relationships, no family and nobody to blame but myself.

It turns out that I'm not the only retired self-made millionaire with that horrid feeling in their gut. In fact one particularly enterprising retiree decided to take action and find a fix for those of us who could afford all the pleasures in life but simply didn't have the youth to enjoy it anymore. They had developed an app with a surprisingly simple but effective premise: "Swap4Cash" allowed virile young men to offer up their bodies to be switched with by older men in exchange for large sums of money.

The moment I created my profile (and paying the rather extreme sign-up fee) I began searching for the perfect body to swap with and within minutes I had discovered Thom's profile. His profile listed him as a twenty year-old college student and a proud member of a fraternity full of jocks. It was enough to interest me, especially as my college experience had been non-stop essays and internships with businesses. I'd never stopped to have fun like the fraternity boys got to.

Pretty soon I was obsessed with the idea of becoming Thom and I knew that I had found "the one". I needed to experience life through his eyes and I needed it as soon as possible. Thankfully all it took was a rather high bid and just five minutes later a notification informed me that my bid had been accepted and my thumbprint was required.

I'm no tech genius so I won't even begin to try and understand how the exchanges in Swap4Cash took place. All I know is that I held my thumb against the screen, felt a sharp jolt through my body and suddenly I was blinded by a bright flash from my cell phone's camera. A few seconds later and I became aware of faint house music playing somewhere else in the building. I was home alone though so...

Sure enough, as the temporary blindness wore off I was greeted by what I immediately identified as a dorm room in a fraternity house. Not only that but I found myself directly in front of a mirror and was greeted by the most beautiful reflection I had ever seen. Thom was a bonafide hunk and at that very moment, I was Thom. Nobody would ever know otherwise!

That exchange took place about a week after Halloween and as you well now, we're pretty far into December now. Christmas is pretty rapidly approaching and the frat's planning so many events... I really don't want to miss out. After all, I've had six weeks to adjust to Thom's life and it would be a shame to leave it all behind to experience a miserable Christmas all on my own.

Thom's profile listed him as only willing to swap for seven days at a time but like so many people his age, he only saw an opportunity to bolster his bank account and continued to agree to extensions of another seven days.  Every time I had to up the money and found myself thankful that I had collected quite the fortune in my years at work. It was certainly allowing me to have an enjoyable early retirement. 

Swap4Cash offers permanent exchanges for elevated fees but Thom had previously declared that he wouldn't be interested in it. Perhaps if I put a few extra zeros on my bid I could win him around. After all, with the fortune he'd have made of me, he could use my profile to find a brand new body for himself too! Wasn't that the definition of a win-win situation?

Now let's hope Thom's willing to give me the best Christmas gift a young jock like him could possibly give...


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