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We've all had bad bosses, right? Well, I'm pretty certain none of you out there have died because your boss was such an asshole. Yeah, no exaggeration. Okay, so he didn't murder me or anything but if he hadn't of insisted that I work later in the office than everybody else then I wouldn't have been caught off guard and stabbed by that drugged-up loon when I finally escaped the office at one in the morning. My boss had it in for me after I'd accidentally spilled coffee over his new shirt and as a punishment I was being lumped with the worst jobs imaginable. Working extremely late was rather tame as far as his punishments went.

Perhaps the most infuriating thing about my boss was that he was ten years my junior and yet still acted as if I was some petulant child and he was mature adult of the two of us. Everybody in the office knew that he'd only gotten the position over more qualified applicants because of his handsome appearance, silver tongue and family connections. The favoritism made me feel sick but speaking out would only get me into more trouble so I had to suffer in silence.

Ever since I had died right outside of the office building, I had been trapped as a ghost in the premises. I was forced to watch my friends mourn me while my asswipe of a boss pretended as if we had approached anything close to civility. Unable to leave the building or rest, I found myself obsessively trailing my former boss and taking note of just how ugly his personality was - a contrast to that beautiful face that made so many of his female employees weak at the knees.

Perhaps the only time anybody - other than myself - dared calling him out was when they questioned why he wasn't getting into the Christmas spirit. He turned his nose up at the whole season, claiming that it wasn't something his family particularly cared for. In fact he seemed agitated by every attempt to hold some sort of Christmas event or decorate the office. 

Now I've always been a big fan of the festive season. There was something about the cold weather and the bright lights that really pulled at my heartstrings and it really frustrated me to see such an ugly human being live and totally reject the season while I was unable to enjoy Christmas because he had been punishing me for an honest mistake.

I had been haunting the office for a full month before I finally took possession of my boss' body. I had no idea it had even been a possibility but I felt so enraged when I witnessed him talking down to one of my friends that I had attempted to push him. Instead my hands had sunk into his back and he suddenly stood completely rigid. Morbidly fascinated and even excited, I stepped forward and found his body welcoming me until I was sealed inside of him and in control of a flesh and bone body for the first time in a month.

Needless to say, my former colleagues are rather surprised by their boss suddenly 'getting into the Christmas spirit', and the shift in his attitude. The play on words was certainly enough to make me chuckle in bemusement. None of them were complaining though, and with the capability of finally leaving this damn office building in the body of a handsome young man, I wasn't either!

As for my boss... well, who the hell cares what he thinks anymore?


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