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My step-brother Travis is unarguably the most popular guy at our college. Frat president, star of the baseball team and dating one of the hottest sorority girls on campus. Every girl wants to be with him and every guy wants to be him, myself not included. Travis puts on such a perfect picture to the world that nobody knows how much of a tool he really is. Even my mother falls for his bullshit, believing him to be the angel her new husband claims he is.

Thankfully I was no longer the only one to see Travis for the conniving little snake he was. His girlfriend, Beth, had discovered text messages on his cell phone from a number of other girls - including one of his class tutors. She was furious when she asked me if I'd known anything about it and I had thankfully known better than to laugh at the idiocy of her question. Travis and I had never seen eye to eye - he acted like a god walking among men and was appalled that I wouldn't worship him the way the rest of the college population did.

Beth wanted to get revenge and I was quick to agree to join in with whatever scheme she came up with. Unfortunately none of her ideas seemed overly effective and knowing Travis he would simply brush them off. We needed something more extreme to knock him down to size but it couldn't be violence. Travis might have been a douchebag of the highest degree but he was still my step-brother and I didn't want to hurt him - if only because I knew my mother would be upset to think that I had turned on "perfect darling Travis" supposedly unprovoked.

Several days later Beth came back to me, this time with a friend. Aly was the kind of girl that had me at a loss for words - brunette, blue eyes and natural-looking make-up. She was smart too, always volunteering answers in class and shutting down anybody who thought she was just a pretty face. I had developed a crush on her pretty damn quickly but presumed she'd only ever see me as Travis' dorky step-brother so I'd never worked up the courage to talk to her.

I received two surprises in quick succession with Aly revealed that she knew who I was and not because of my relation to Travis, followed by her admission that she'd been dabbling in magic and thought she had the perfect way to make sure Travis could no longer ruin anybody's life the way he had been doing to Beth and myself. I was understandably a little dubious of her claims until she demonstrated her magic for me, giving Beth a temporary pig snout. The blonde sorority girl certainly wasn't happy about it but it earned Aly both a laugh and my trust.

"So what is it you want to do to my dear step-brother?" I asked, lacing the word 'dear' with a healthy dose of sarcasm that certainly wasn't lost on either of the girls. Aly beamed at the question, clearly just as eager to help enact some revenge on the king of the campus.

"I want to give him a gift," she announced, pulling a pink cap from inside her bag. "It's a very special gift." I stared at it few moments, my eyes lingering on the bold lettering of the word 'DIRTY' before I laughed. 

The cap was placed back into the bag which was then passed to the still visibly disgruntled Beth. I couldn't help but be curious about how her partial transformation had felt, although that was clearly a question for another time. "You know there's no chance he's ever going to wear that, right?" I instead said, frowning slightly. "I mean, for one it's pink and two... dirty? Really?"

"Have a little faith, Petey-boy," Aly countered with a bewildering casualness, "Our mutual friend here is going to put it on his head while he sleeps and by the time he wakes up... well, I don't want to spoil the surprise." Her wicked grin had my heart beating fast and my mind running wild. Exactly what was the hat going to do to Travis? No matter how much I asked, Aly simply wouldn't tell me. I'd have to wait and see.

Thankfully it didn't take long for me to find out. I next saw the hat just two days later and I could hardly believe that the young man wearing it was my obnoxious step-brother. His body was still lean with muscle but no longer looked like it was built for strength. Even the face underneath the hat had subtle differences: his jaw not quite so square, his eyes a lighter shade of blue and his limps plump and inviting. 

The changes weren't limited to just his body though as the wardrobe choice certainly wasn't what I would associate with Travis - pink harem pants and a white jacket hanging open to display his abs. Travis had always been a show-off but this was on a whole new level and I almost didn't want to believe it was really him.

Apparently recognizing me, Travis smiled and delicately placed a hand on my chest. "Hey big brother," he purred in a tone that was undeniably sexual in nature, "We should really hang out more." I freaked out, quickly taking a step back and pushing his hand off of me. There was no doubting that the guy in front of me was my asshole step-brother but he had been completely rewired by the enchanted cap, now the exact type of stereotypical cock-hungry 'twunk' that he had not-so-secretly despised. 

While I had to admit it was actually pretty cool seeing my step-brother becoming submissive and even inviting to me, I simply wasn't attracted to men, or perhaps I would be tempted to take advantage of the situation. Thankfully for Travis though my buddy Dale always thought he was cute and he liked the picture I sent to him of my dear step-brother showing off his abs and his love for everything pink. Aly's assured me that Travis will stay like this even when he takes off the hat so I sure hope Dale appreciates me hooking him up with my brother!

Hey, at least our folks should be happy that Travis and I don't seem to dislike each other anymore. That's got to be a win for the family, right?


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