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Oh balls, I really fucked this one up. I've been meddling with magic for the past few months now - usually just little things like making flowers grow or levitating pencils - but I decided it was time to try something bigger. I wanted to improve my relationship with my boyfriend but I guess I just wasn't ready for the big stuff because this whole situation is completely fucked up now.

Don't get me wrong, I love my boyfriend. He's charming, he's funny, he's even a great kisser! He has the most beautiful blue eyes too and I could lose myself in them for days, but there's just one catch. Aside from the emotional attachment, I'm not really that physically attracted to him. I've never really prescribed to the whole 'looks before personality' thing but when you've been with a guy for two years and there's nothing really exciting you anymore, making a few changes to his appearance sounds relatively understandable and actually pretty tempting.

All I was planning to do was make a few changes to David to make him a little more desirable. A few inches of height, some hair on his chest and some more muscle on that slender frame of his. Okay, maybe some stubble and a bigger cock too but hey, if I'm changing a couple of things then why not be a bit picky? David was the kind of guy who regularly treated me to romantic dates and gifts and of course I appreciated that - I just also wanted a guy who wasn't afraid to put his hands down my pants in public and pin me down while he ravished me.

What I didn't anticipate was for my relative greenness in the magic department causing my spell to become unfocused and instead of David being granted the 'enhancements' I desired, it was his younger brother who was staying with us while their parents were on vacation.

Damian was every bit the annoying younger brother stereotype you'd expect. Seventeen years old and already thinks he's the smartest person in the room. To be totally honest, I never particularly liked the kid but I put up with him because David was such a nice guy. I hoped that maturity would grant Damian some actual brain cells and he might mellow out - I just never thought that I would be the unexpected cause of his extremely early and crazily rapid physical maturity.

I guess I can take comfort in the fact that technically my spell made all the improvements I had wanted, only it was on the wrong subject. Perhaps even worse, the spell didn't seem to have affected Damian's mental state at all and he was just as immature as ever, only now with a body that exhibited power with every small movement. He was now a twenty-something with big muscles, a hairy chest, stubble, a couple of tattoos and a serious case of inflated superiority.

David hasn't even woken up to see what's become of his younger brother yet and I'm very quickly running out of time to reverse this. He's going to really freak out and then I'll have to explain what I was trying to do to him. I'm a terrible actor so he'll know if I'm playing dumb and there's a good chance he might dump me for wanting to transform him without his consent. Oh hell, I've really messed things up now!

In a last-ditch effort, one final rather devious thought came to me: 

I wonder if I can work a body swap spell between them?


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