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Echicra ~Ecchi & Craft~ By Azcat (えちクラ~えっち&クラフト~)


The main characters have been captured by the craft game they are always playing!

Explore the craft world while searching for your friends with crafting, combat, and platforming skills!



OH. MY. GOD!!!

What did we do right to deserve all these INSANE high quality titles in such short timeframes?

Did the general game development mindset start shifting towards giving a damn about its audience? Because I don't remember the last time I played back to back top shelf projects.

Our adventure begins with 5 girls playing their favorite crafting game, until all of a sudden a mysterious force strips them down and sucks them into the virtual world.

The entire team almost gets kidnaped, aside from Yukari - the protagonist, who got knocked down the cliff, and luckily fell right next to a bunch of tutorial signs that explain to her how to get around and what to do to get her friends back.

🕹️ The game gets straight to the point - starting with all the basic mining / crafting prompts and tools to get you out of the disaster you landed into, to make your way to the basecamp.

Along the path you'll find combat prompts signs: other than basic movement, you can also jump, dodge, climb ladders, attack with melee or ranged when crafted, and also an important feature to mine while holding a weapon.

Once you make it to the base you'll get tasked with simply lying in bed to reset the initially very high sensitivity stat.

💗 Sensitivity, or "Sense" in the game's description, is a key feature that affects Yukari in any actions she takes or that is done to her.
Your base sense is 2 (not 1 for some reason), and as you can already imagine - the more you'll get grabbed by enemies, the more it'll build up, with the amount depending on how much you'd like to spectate the lewd encounter until you escape it.

High sense will make both combat and moving around very sluggish, next to useless other than using arrows and jumping, but more importantly: it affects the posture Yukari takes when getting assaulted, from being resistant, to accepting it, and eventually what else - craving it.

⛏️ Back to crafting, I'd say there are plenty of similar non-H titles the devs could've drawn inspiration from, but a "wild" guess would be Terraria, having a similar 2D roaming and mining mechanics.

Now, don't come expecting a massive selection of items to create, but there is quite a surprisingly large amount of variety here, at the very least a lot more than what you'd expect from a game of this nature.

There's wood, stone, diamonds, gear tiers from the same materials, potions, facilities, etc... all the good stuff we're already familiar with, and some familiar with less... (Like building a toilet to take a dump 💩)
Honestly? Take out the lewd aspects and you'll still get left with a very entertaining and competent crafting game, I daresay that the H felt more like a bonus feature to the whole experience.

Each girl to rescue has her own biome to explore, with its own unique enemies, bosses, treasures, and secrets.
The game plays in a traditional platforming fashion where you must progress from left to right using all the mining, crafting and combat skills you have.

By the end of the stage you'll need to save your captured friend from her guarding boss, which are surprisingly not a braindead experience at all, so props to actually designing them. That is not something I'd take for granted in the scene.

After beating a stage, a new "EX" area will open up: a cool feature that allows you to gather materials and find recipes from a randomly generated level.
These levels are 100% optional, but you will very likely find yourself exploring them for missing materials, as the main stages resources are all finite.

💕 But even after all is said and done, we did gather here for the gameplay, and boy oh boy, you know the saying about the fat kid in a candy store?

Lets put it this way - there are over 30 H scenes, multiplied by x3 for different sense variants!!
On top of it, every rescued girl can be sexually interacted with passively or actively, by you or by a monster spawned to harass them on their own.

If you ever so desire, you can a very wholesome moment where all 5 girls putting some finger action together in the same room.

To top it all off, the art is very beautiful and clean.
It manages to pass some very hot scenes using the chibi-esque models.
Other than the intro and ending, there is no full CG artwork, but it's completely unnecessary, given the high quality Live2D animations provided in such large quantity.


Overall, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Echicra is the kind of game I'm excited about the most.
I love covering the scene, but what I love more is covering games with real passion behind them.

Anyone can create hot CG and with a little paint job call it a day. And in reality you don't even need more than that to sell said project (especially with high grade art).
But Azcat does go for the extra mile, giving our desires another layer of entertainment, wrapping culture with proper gaming.

It is all about the added value that separates a well thought H experience, to yet another lewd slideshow "game".

Echicra ~Ecchi & Craft~ (えちクラ~えっち&クラフト~) is available on DLsite.

❤️ For relevant H content of this title you may contact me in DM for referrals.




I mean, I’m pretty sure Terraria has mods like this, but a full game made around it? That’s something I can get behind