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Warrior Girl By KooooN Soft


Take control of a bikini-armor-clad girl, and slash, dodge, parry, and make your way to the goal.



A very straight forward  side scroller where you're presented with different stages with a set of 3 enemies for each one to kill or get assaulted by.
You can slash, jump, duck, parry / shield, and use a strong delayed magic cast.

You know the drill, touch them to initiate an animation sequence, and mash out to escape from it. Each enemy has 2 types of animations, including bosses as well.

Honestly? I wish this was more fleshed out, because the polish is there (it controls very smoothly), but the gameplay leaves more to be desired. They could've put more emphasis on the parrying mechanic to make the game be more reaction based.
Could've added timed attacks sorta like a bit of a rhythm game just to add more spice to the linear progression. Thrown in a few hazards, etc..

As a result of these kind of cases, I often have a love-hate relationship with polished H titles, because very few of them push it further to provide a full legit gaming experience.
Sure, it might not be the main goal of the game, but I'd like to believe that if you're going for an action game, then as a developer you'll have a bit more pride in product with more added value than just the H.

All artwork is a high quality dot/pixel, and animations are all done with tweeting. (keyframed body parts)
At the gallery mode you have a good selection of clothing pieces you can let the heroine wear, and complete control of how each scene plays, which is something I wish more games would've paid attention to.
The game is still getting updates, with the recent ones being a couple more game over screens.

Overall I'd recommend getting this title, with a short and simple gameplay, great artwork and animations, entertaining and detailed gallery mode, and it even has a debug mode where you can mess around with different enemies and stuff.

Warrior Girl is available on DLsite.

❤️ For relevant H content of these titles you may contact me in DM for referrals.



Mike Davis

Kinda wish Kooonsoft did more than one style of game. it's basically been the same thing since they started by using the old flash game Jungle girl on newgrounds.