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Existentialism, GWAR, and Rubber Ducks!






Unironically one of my favorite eroge titles. I never thought of the art style as a deliberate choice to complement its offsetting nature. Some of the art is getting upgrades, so probably not entirely intentional on the creator's part, but it's an interesting perception. I think the only critique I'd offer here is the lack of focus on the Superhero aspect of this game. You bring up the individual vs. the community, and the MC's approach to their superhero persona, and the concept of superhumans, is a pretty big deal to the plot. I'd say it's half eldritch horror, half dark superhero origin story. Probably one of the few polyamorous titles that I think won't give us an ending with all partners. At least, it wasn't heading in that direction when I played it several months ago.


I try really, really hard not to spoil games. Sometimes that can mean I don't talk about things that I should have. Sorry!


That's fair. I suppose we don't get to the superhero aspect until a couple hours in, depending how fast you read.


I thought I was implying it without going into detail, but maybe I was too circumspect. I was more worried about something else that (so far) has not materialized in the comments.


Not really a big fan of VN, but this one I really like. I even like the music for some reason, maybe because I've replayed from the beginning every update. I just really like the general ambiance of the world.


It is definitely an underrepresented thematic and flavor combination. At least that's what made this game stand out for me.


Interesting, I don't really feel like it's about 'super heroism' at all. I mean, the kid gets a bucket of OMGWTF dumped in his lap, and then he just strives to survive in his new reality. Which really seems a lot more realistic to me.


The world the author has crafted here, I believe, would make an amazing MMO. It reminds me, though on a more focused scale, of Secret World. And every time I play the new update I end up going back to that game for a few weeks. lol