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Parasite Black

Camp Mourningwood

Mystwood Manor

The Divine Speaker

The Curse of Black Bone


Mystwood Manor, Parasite Black, The Divine Speaker, and more!

Today we're going to look at a few newer projects as well as talk about some existing ones. All links can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/71487305 ----- Patreon and all mentioned content https://www.patreon.com/sexpositivegaming Steam Curator Page https://store.steampowered.com/curator/41771186/ GOG Partner Page https://af.gog.com/partner/SexPositiveGaming?as=1726437664 -----


Amanda Engström

I think it's fine to put out a critical review every once in a while. I get the positivity thing but I also feel like showing that there are less-polished games in the industry still kinda elevates the ones that get great feedback. Think of it like this, if you sit through a full game and it turns out to be different from what it advertised itself as, and you have a strict rule of not releasing negative reviews, then you sort of wasted time. Moreover, if many watchers start using your channel as quality control in a sense, then the best way in a world without negative reviews to filter games would be to see if they've been featured on your channel or not. The bad thing I guess is that it may lead to youtube drama. For example what happened with James Stephanie Sterling early on when they reviewed an asset flip game on steam and the developer caused more than just a ruckus over it. So I can see a risk in being overly critical as well. Though that kinda thing usually also attracts more viewers.


I think that is where I am on this. If I play a game because I think it will be good and it ends up being a nightmare, then I will talk about that. I still think that I will continue to avoid games that are obviously poor. The biggest difference between what I do right now and "regular" video game reviews is our market is nascent. Mainstream games can have marketing behind them making them look good while being broken messes. Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk 2077 should have had poor reviews at launch as opposed to what actually happened. I really hate saying negative things about games because I think about all of the time and energy a developer puts into the game and I feel bad. That is not going to change what I say about a game, but as I continue to grow my voice could eventually have a financial impact on the the success of a game. That thought terrifies me.

David of the North

Parasite Black looks right up my alley. Love that art style.