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So this is probably the most serious topic I have ever covered on the channel. I don't want to be seen as supporting Activision Blizzard, but this is a necessary conversation.

Gambling in Young Adults Aged 17–24 Years: A Population-Based Study

Adolescent Gambling: Research and Clinical Implications

Neurodevelopment, Impulsivity, and Adolescent Gambling

A prospective study of youth gambling behaviors.

It’s Not What You Know, but How You Use It: Statistical Knowledge and Adolescent Problem Gambling







Diablo Immortal Review

All studies, links, and citations can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/67497145 No Shaming, Just Gaming! ----- Patreon and all mentioned content https://www.patreon.com/sexpositivegaming -----



Hmmm, I dunno Anne... The whole gambling thing is a stretch if you ask me. Especially considering basically everything in life is a gamble of some kind under most reasonable definition. I've been testing the game myself, and while I feel the P2W aspect is bullshit, as it always is in any game, the drop rates don't really seem that different than most games. They are poorly tuned in some areas, but overall they aren't so different from any other game. Don't get me wrong though, it's unapologetically designed to make you work for it over a protracted period of time, but I mean, what game isn't? If I had to cast a stone, it would be toward the nearly pathological addiction modern society has with instant gratification. As of right now, I have leveled two paragons since open beta started, Monk 60(10) and a Necro 60(5) only spending the 5 bucks for a basic battle pass, because monk looks HOT in that ghost outfit, and I want it- I've seen no loot boxes, a common gambling mechanism where you buy a box or the key to open a box, which contains random loot with only limited guarantees regarding item type and quality. You can make the argument that the rift/crest system is similar, but you can do that for free, just not as fast. And I should also note, I've gotten 2 LegGem drops from those with NO crest. I am also not defending Blizzard, they were once incredible, but that's ancient history at this point, now they are just flashy money-grabbers. Personally, I don't really see a difference between this game, and most other similar games. It's a crap business model that preys on people's obsession with instant gratification through the use of the all-mighty buck. I am personally much more perturbed by the fact I can't solo farm dungeons and lairs in Hell1+.. LOL I think that people who go into games like this with the question 'How much real money do I have to pay so I don't actually have to play the game, but still WIN?' - aren't gamers at all. In the end, the problem isn't gambling, it's work. The modern paradigm has too many children being given things, but never being taught to work for things. When I was a kid, if I wanted something, I had to work for it - and I did, because I wanted it. That's not the case anymore in an outrageous percentage of the pop especially in 1st world countries. While I love taking jabs at Blizzard for their shitty decisions in game designs and just blatantly abandoning the gamers to make a quick buck, I can't honestly say that it's their job to be parents to all the kids out there. In fact, with the proper parental guidance, this game *could* be used as a tool to teach children to work for what they want. Sheltering them from something they will be faced with throughout their entire lives is the biggest gamble I can imagine. Just my thoughts... (By the way, I play on Wirt server if you want to kick ass and chew bubblegum... Just, um, don't bring gum...lol)


Thanks for the feedback. The problem we are facing is that this is "death by inches". Children are incredibly susceptible to gambling and there are long term ramifications. This isn't an issue of parental oversight, unless you think that parents should have the right to allow their children to gamble in casinos. There is precedent in enforcing existing law regarding child gambling and there is an increasingly large push to do so with the entire loot box format. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8023484/ https://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/jlas/article/download/22049/21206/33023 http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.11324.80007 As an entirely different conversation, it is true that in many previous versions of the free to play format a person could invest time, effort, and (to some degree) skill into achieve the same things that a person who invests money does. With Diablo Immortal that is a mathematical impossibility. Your 2 legendary crest drops are part of the intense obfuscation effort put forward to hide this reality.