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When Bram Met Walt


"A Wilde Desire Took Me": the Homoerotic History of Dracula


The Mediation of the Feminine: Bisexuality, Homoerotic Desire, and Self-Expression in Bram Stoker's Dracula


“Dracula” Author Bram Stoker’s Extraordinary Love Letter to Walt Whitman



UuultraC, Dracula, and Monstrous Desire

Today we're going to look at the 1970's themed Kaiju Visual Novel, UuultraC. All links and citations can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/64713288 No Shaming, Just Gaming! ----- Patreon and all mentioned content https://www.patreon.com/sexpositivegaming -----



I've had many years of healing, and given the homophobia that still exists in society, I don't think my grandfather is wholly responsible for my scars. The main thing is the pain is gone now, and I can benefit from separating what is fear born of trama, what is fear born of social taught phobias, and what my heart truely leans towards (even when it can't over come the fears). But your talk helped on the side of truth and love for me today, and so my thank you note.


It's all just another flavor to me. It's funny how some flavors/fetishes are lobbied so hard for mainstream acceptance while others are just out right condemned. Seems pretty hypocritical to me, but I'm probably just thinking that cause I'm "something" phobic, right? LOL


We definitely live in a world where not all flavors are seen as equal. I'm going to occasionally have to touch more on politics when I cover certain games and flavors. I understand that will make some people uncomfortable, so I really try hard to be careful about what positions to take a firmer stand on. Sexuality and flavors are even more complicated to deal with because of the personal "disgust response" that all humans seem to have to certain flavors.