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Hiya guys! Tad here, back again, once again! Side B and I have steadily been working on the postgame content for y'all, which is subsequently the final major update for Feline Fantasies. Can't actually believe I'm saying this, but we're nearing the end. As much as it's sad to let this project go, it'll also be a milestone for me. Setting out back in 2017 to create my own game let to me meeting a lot of amazing people in this community! <3

Now then, as far as progress goes! Since the postgame doesn't add any mini-games, nor an entire battle like with the final boss battle, we're actually doing fairly well! The postgame opens up both Southern and Northern freely. You can visit every previous location with a fun interaction between your guides Puck and Esix.

These locations, as you can see, include all of the mini-game locations as well. Those are all disabled postgame, there's only you and your two guides as you explore the island!

These are all very small, cute and linear dialogue trees to give you a little bit more info about the locations and its origins. 

Besides that, you can find all of the previous twelve felines you've interacted with before all throughout the island in random locations:

It seems Nyancy has joined up with Nala here and they're investigating a 'mysterious magical energy source' on their adventures together. :P 

Almost all of the old felines you'll encounter will have partnered up together to give a more diverse and smooth interaction with you. These dialogue trees are all linear as well, albeit a bit bigger. I hope they'll do your favorite feline justice and give you some satisfying closure to their arcs! <3

Finally, two brand new felines will be added to round up the postgame and Feline Fantasies, that being Yuumi from LOL and Mew from Pokémon. Of course, these two new felines will have NSFW trees. Please do keep in mind that both Yuumi and Mew will be drawn by a different artist, so their art will differ from the other felines. X3

And that will round up Feline Fantasies completely! Never thought such a silly game of mine would get this far, but here we are! :D

Expect another post later today, but that one won't be Feline Fantasies related. I have something else to share to might potentially interest y'all. :3

For now, have a good one, take care and I hope to see y'all around!



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