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Hey everyone! Moving and all the associated stress factors will not keep me from sending you sweet new tokens! Wave 19 has been prepared this month already in order to be able to ship it even if the rest of the place is still in moving boxes! :)

The standard info set in case this is your first wave - this post right here starts the charging cycle, which then leads Patreon to give me the shipping addresses for all successful pledges, which I then ship to. The entire process takes about a week or two.

I also want to say thank you so much for the nice words and feedback on yesterday's post - I haven't gotten to respond yet but I do read it all and it means a lot to me.

All the best




Have these all been shipped? I've received past shipments within a day or two of you announcing, but this time it's been almost two weeks and I have yet to receive them. Thanks.


I am also curious, I recieved the last package in four days. Have yet to recieve this wave. By the way love my sparkly angel token!