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Alright, thanks to everyone who answered the poll I now have a better overview on how bad international shipping, specifically to the US, currently is. Check it out.

EUROPE: (sample size:19)

- 74% no problems
- 26% slow
- 0% shipments not showing up

US: (sample size: 71)

- 3% no problems
- 23% slow (>1 month)
- 24% very slow (>2 months)
- 51% (!!!!!!) had one or more shipments not show up.

Honestly if I didn't know better I'd assume the country had been hit by an asteroid. 

Okay so:
- I know basically everything is moved to the US by sea currently. That alone probably adds a month or more to shipping. This is also what the German postal service tells me.
- Add to that the domestic slowdowns - I assume that since it's moved by sea from Europe, it probably moves on land rather than by air once in the US. This would explain why the East Coast seems to have less delays. Christmas, Covid and the elections probably did their part here.
- Beyond that, I have no explanation to what actually happens to some of these packages. The few that get returned to me are in unbelievable condition, some look like they've been run over by a car. One that got returned to me this week was empty with a hand-sized hole in the back. It's beyond depressing.

So I just wanted to let all of you know what's going on overall. I'm doing my best to stay on top of your messages and send replacements in cases where stuff went missing. I really appreciate the support and patience from all of you.

Final note, I had a Kickstarter planned for Feb/March for prints now that Kaldheim is about to release. I'm probably going to hold off on that for a while because I don't want to imagine the chaos shipping larger items right now. It's a shame because this set has some of the best art I've ever done and I was super excited to get prints to people, but there's no way I'm doing that if I can't be sure the actually receive them. Welp.

Anyways, as always, if there's anything off with your pledge or tokens are damaged or missing, or you have any other problems, just send me a message, I'm happy to help :)





Genuinely, thanks for checking in about this. It’d be easy to ignore because it’s such a hassle, so it means a lot that you’re gathering info and communicating with us.


Ugh I have to be honest, the urge to just keep the laptop shut and stare out the window is strong. I spent a lot of time building up this relationship I have with all of you and to see this happen, and then get worse in slow motion, is beyond frustrating. But this can't go on forever and as long as everyone knows whats happening I imagine people will understand :)


I appreciate that you are trying to gather information about shipping. In the US, everyone is buying everything online and USPS which handles shipping for you is also being used by Amazon. Add on the influx of holiday shipping, and a lot of people are getting things at minimum a month after the fact. The post office is so overwhelmed there are stories of them just stopping the tracking of stuff so you have no idea what's going on until they feel like getting around to it. It is probably even worse for items shipped internationally. I know many people who have ordered things for Christmas around December 15-20 and still do not have them. And I live in a hub city that gets priority on shipping so in areas with less post office infrastructure it may be even worse. I do not think you can do much about this, it is a problem of circumstances, so please do not worry too much about it.


Wow that sounds even worse than I thought. Thanks for all that additional information, that definitely helps explain what's going on. And yes, I can imagine, random international mailings probably don't get treated with the highest priority either right now. Let's just hope it gets better now that the holidays are over.


I'm VERY excited about your Kaldheim art. So many rainbows!


Yes! The Kaldheim island is soooo pretty! I look forward ta getting a print of it when the USPS isn't imploding in on itself. Also have you done any other land art than islands Hannes? 'Cause I can only remember seeing your name on islands as far as lands go Edit: as soon as I hit post I remembered the doggo plains. How could I forget such a good boy


Hey, I just wanted to give a perspective from an USPS employee for the USA and just some observations from your packaging and what you said happened to the ones returned to you. So the size of your packages are around the size of a letter. So what is probably happening is that some of these are getting put in the letter machine (DBCS, DIOS, or AFCS). Now, you can look those machines up on youtube but they go through some turns that are pretty tight. Now, any clerk running those machines should take them out and have them manually sorted, or put with that packages like they should be. However if it comes in a tray of mail they might not catch it (and some of them honestly don't care). If it gets in the machine, because it doesn't bend well, it'll get stuck in the belts and look like it got run over by a car as you put it.


That's okay! I'd absolutely love to see more product from you, I'm a glutton when it comes to your pieces :P It's a shame that we don't get any new prints because of the shipping - although I do wonder, what kind of prints will you be running? Either way I'd love to hang up your art or use it as a playmat :D


I remember the doubel side orzohv Land from zendikar Great artwork


Ooooh wow that is some niche insight that I did not expect! Thank you! Maybe I can look into other types of packaging to increase their survival rates a little!


Well, it can't be like that forever! I imagine in spring or summer things will have calmed down, maybe that'll be a good time for prints! And before that, maybe I can get something underway in cooperation with someone in the US:)


As an Aussie i just got goat yesterday. So it seems to be about 3 months (2 and a half) behind. I haven't checked to make sure I have every shipment. But I haven't noticed anything obviously missing.


Deutschland hier. Weder Nov noch Dez sind angekommen :(


I still haven’t received the Wurm tokens, I’m on West Coast US. I’m holding out on hope that they haven’t been lost or damaged but how would replacement s be issued if they are? Thank you.