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Hey all, I'm still working through messages but it seems like the already bad situation in international shipping is getting worse currently - 2 months runtime to the US suddenly seems normal and there's way more packages going missing than usual (used to be basically none, now I'm suddenly replacing 20-30 packages a wave).

I'd like to get an overview on how things are currently depending on location. I'd appreciate if you could answer the poll and comment if you have more specific info on problems that you're seeing. 

Thanks for your patience. I really appreciate the support from all of you :)





Been rather slow but things are picking up after the holidays.

Amir bin Amir

Last package arrived as usual for this UK patreon


I got the Clue tokens last week here in Texas. So about a month?


In the US, I upgraded to the $20 tier for wave 67 and haven’t seen any of that sort, i started backing things during COVID so I am not familiar with how long it would normally take


So I'm in the US and relatively new to your patreon, and I started during the pandemic so I can't say for sure what the normal timeframe is, but I think I'm somewhere between a month and a month and a half delayed. I got the goat tokens maybe two weeks ago? Still waiting on the Insect/Cute Swarm. Edit: Slight correction, in about five days it will have been two months since Insect, shipped. Edit 2: Got the goat tokens last Tuesday, the fifth.


I live in Texas and haven’t had anything show up after cat/shrine. Still holding out hope


I haven't had a lot show up. Not even the Kickstarter I believe. The last one I git was a few months ago and I'll have to double check which it was.


Florida - haven't had anything since the proofs from the sparkly token collection kickstarter


I had the clue tokens show up last week, but I'm still missing both the Insect and Goat tokens.


In Atlanta, GA, the last tokens I got were from Wave 64 and that was a few months ago.


I’m new, my first wave was supposed to be the insect. I haven’t received that or any of the subsequent waves (US).


Hmm, these are running pretty late - can you send me a message if you haven't received them in another week or so?


That's a looong to wait for these. The Insects are super late. Can you send me a message? I'd like to look into this.


I recently received both clue and wurm shipments, but still waiting on cat, goat and insect. In the US. Still definitely could just be going by ship though


I'm in South Carolina, and I've had waves 63 and 65 show up, but nothing else. Also, 65 came two weeks before 63 which was about a month ago


I’m in the US. Back in late September/October I had 3 shipments arrive all within a 2 week period. I’ve not seen any since.


Also in the US, I haven't gotten the Insects or later. Also haven't gotten the Kickstarter set. But I also haven't gotten some mail sent midDecember from people one state over.


Joined before the wave 68 (Wurm) and I haven't received anything yet. But honnestly my local post services are as slow as they come. (I'm in France)


Joined before wave 68 myself. Am in the US and haven’t received anything so far though I don’t think it’s been 8 weeks yet since wave 68 shipped. Still eagerly checking my mailbox every day.


Asia, just got my clue token


Joined wave 68 in US. Still waiting on them eagerly.


Canada. Joined at Wave 68 and nothing yet. Will be worth the wait though.


Just for more info. I am in the US - New England. Joined in Wave 63 and I received Wave 63 at the end of the December'20 and the postmarked date on the envelope was Sept'20. So at least 2.5 to 3 months for the first one but it did arrive! I also pledged for Wave 64 and 65 and they both arrived as well. Wave 65 arrived first in Nov'20 and then Wave 64 maybe in early Dec'20 or so. I am in on Wave 68 and 69 and going to wait patiently haha.


I'm in the Midwest US and have had the Wurm package show up mostly on time (3-4 weeks after being shipped), but the previous three waves never showed up at all.


Canada: I received my Wurm tokens but still haven’t received the Clue tokens.


I’m in New England and received my clue tokens about a week ago or so.


Australia, joined before Wurm, haven't received anything yet


I'm in Pennsylvania. My first month was July 2020 and I've received just 3 packages since then.


So far the only wave I've recieved in the us is 63 and I've been a patron since then.


I started getting all my shipments trickling in about a week or so apart over the past couple months. I think the only one I haven't gotten is the Goat tokens. I have gotten Clues and Wurms this week.


Wow 3 months is incredible. I mean, at least they're showing up. Thanks for the detailed feedback, that helps a lot!


Weird! They might still be on the way, seems a lot of people are receiving the Clues this around now. Message me if you still haven't seen them in another week or two! :)


Been subscribed since the dog wave and that’s the only package I’ve received so far.


I received cats last week and a day or two later clues. So I guess one was very slow and the other on time? (In US)


I just received the Cat tokens last week! (California). I joined during the Dog token so besides these 2 i haven't received anything so far :< postal service makes me big sad


I’ve been a patron since October and unfortunately haven’t received any packages. (East Coast USA) I’m really excited for when they finally come though! Our entire shopping infrastructure has been hit so hard this year, I know there’s just not much that can be done about it.

Yuki Wong

I think the latest one i've received is dog, but tbh. I haven't really paid much attention to how quickly these arrive :s and I just had the kickstarter arrive.


In New Zealand, the last one I received was 64 Cat/Shrine


I’ve received some but not others and they’ve been all kinds of out order. For example I got the clue tokens last week but I haven’t gotten the insect or the goats


Australia. No show of clue or wurm token :(


US, just received the Clue token today, if that info helps!


As of yet, haven't received any packages. I think the first I signed up for was the Clue token. West coast of America, Washington.


Wow that is crazy, those cats have been on the road for months, I can't believe these take so long. Are you currently missing any shipments? If yes, just send me a message! :)


Wow, that sounds like the mail in your area is super slow in general? Seems they show up in the order I sent them though, so that's something. If there's ever any that don't show at all, message me! :)


Have you received the others in order? Sounds like the Goats have been on the way for close to two months. If these don't show up soon, send me a message! :)


Those are probably still on the road, they're the last two waves to have gone out. If you don't see them soon, send me a message and I'll get on top of it! :)


From what everybody tells me the Clues are starting to trickle in currently. Send me a message if you still haven't seen them in another week or two! :)


I’m from the US, East Coast and I haven’t received the Goat token, the Clue token, or anything after the Clue. Oddly enough, the Insect tokens came in very quickly, even arriving before the Cat token somehow.


In Australia. Clue was my first trigger I think and I got that about 3 weeks ago, followed by my kickstarter bundle last week. They’re eventually trickling through.


Package posted 16.11.2020 received today Woodbury, MN USA... 65 days


2nd package posted 18.12.2020 received today Woodbury, MN USA... 33 days


East Coast of US. Still waiting on my Kickstarter rewards.


Scratch that I just got insect yesterday so I must’ve caught that one - but that was a wave before the clues, so no idea what’s going on but they eventually show up.


I’m glad you care so much Johannes. Unfortunately for many of us US citizens the Federal postal service was sabotaged by the Trump administration and we’re still feeling the repercussions of that. Things will get better once we can remove DeJoy from his position.