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Well, I think I speak for all of us when I say we saw that coming. So! you've spoken and with a whopping 54%, Marie Kanker is your winner for more lewds. I'll get to work and have those hopefully shortly. 

Now, as for comics. You've all shown me such exceptional support that I'm gonna go ahead and make 2 short comics in the same fashion as I did last time. First! a 2 page Helluvaboss comic, 'Sinful Pleasures'. And the main line up will be a Dexter's Lab parody, Lisa the babysitter as the main feature with a later appearance of a college Dee Dee. I'm shooting for about 6+ pages on that, maybe with an epilogue. We'll see, but 100% Im gonna strive to make it good no matter what. 

(Sorry the concept art is kinda scratchy, I think its a waste of time to try to make it pretty if Im not even going to use the whole thing. I usually dont even bother coloring it before I go ahead and start making the comic. The designs are not set, they can change later too. )

The Marie lewds will likely be my last posts for this month as I start working on these two bigger projects, comics always require more attention and work but they're so worth it. Lanterns will of course have the first treat to these comics. The helluvaboss comic will probably be posted in full and then I'll post the Dexter comic as pages are being made. Oh and yeah, we'll still have another poll next week and maybe draw a few lewds in between to keep things fresh. Thank you all once again. 



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