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Welcome Lanterns, to the monthly content poll. Here you'll vote for your favorite character to get an extra slice of lewd content . Choose carefully now!

Again this one is placed here to make up for the one that shouldve been in the first week of May, so we'll be having another one next week too. I might shake up the choices for that one though, maybe remove some of the less popular choices and add new ones? 

Poll is open until tomorrow the 5:00 PM 26th Pacific Time.



My fellow Patriots it is time for us to come together and equally vote for all three Kankers and with a little hope and by the grease and generosity of Hermit Moth we can get all three of them with double d

WhiteWhiskey (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 16:46:39 LEE, the redhead needs more love >.>
2021-05-25 23:35:31 LEE, the redhead needs more love >.>

LEE, the redhead needs more love >.>


I did leave the comic open ended for a reason, some day we may get a sequel. Oh and you all can just call me Moth.