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It's been nice getting back into the swing of drawing!  Just wish I was faster. ^^;  It's very hard to not compare yourself to other artists, but gee whiz am I slow.  Obviously, I've been a tad busy with the book (final proof should be done in the next day or so and then I can finally order the books), but now that I have time dedicated to drawing again, it still took several days before I scribbled out anything worth saving or working with.  But once I got going... :D

Roughing out the pages is always the hardest part for me, but I got some great advice about page layout and I think something might have clicked for me.  We shall see.  Anyway, hope to have all the rough pages lined up before I start going into line art.

Hope you're all having a great weekend!  More comics and art on the way!




Val’s expressions to that stuff is always adorable. I can’t wait to see how things play out.


Val content <3


This is going to be a great chapter!


It looks awesome so far.