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Why yes, it is!  It's not page 1 as I wanted to get some of the more complicated pages knocked out first.  Gonna do a few more, while I refine the storyboards for the rest of the chapter.  They're gonna be fun!  Next one is gonna have more of a gothic look (hopefully). ;)

Wanted this page to have a Cyberpunk/Bladerunner vibe, which is hard to do in black and white.  The first panel is meant to be a bit of a worms eye view, so the woman looks a tad distorted to m eye.  Not saying I'm going to redo this page before publishing it, but I think some touchups may be in order once it's had some time away from it.  Definitely needs some highlights for that panel 1 background.

Also included some progress on an elf scene I'd been working on (tentacle warning).  Has a long way to go, but I'm liking where it's going.  Have learned a lot about planning, composition and color theory so far with this one.  Hope it shows in the final version.

Been going through the proof of the book and unfortunately the gray values get lost and a lot of pages are a bit of a muddy mess.  Fortunately, that's what proofs are for! :)  Been making contrast adjustments all week and will hopefully be done today!  After that, there's one more proof to review for final approval and then the printing finally begins! :D

I think aside from Sejic and Mel's guest art prints and the books, all the merch is ready to go!  All the Black Boxes and shipping supplies litter the entire apartment.  Both cat's have discovered the full hide and seek potential of the crowded space, and it has been interesting to say the least. ^^;

Man, this is a long update.  Guess there's a lot going on and I'm really excited to be working on chapter 8! :D

Alright, Gonna get back to it!  Can't wait to share more BLACK LABEL pages with you all!  Thanks for your patience!  Now let's make some comics!



Death of Ink

Blade Runner, but with bondage!

Henri Black

Cyberpunk: Megrunners.

Henri Black

Just noticed there's an error in the first panel. "They're not to find, the city breeds them." Meant to be "Not hard to find"?

Shrub Jump

Damn...those sexy elves! Love it!