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Remember when I used to post these every week along with a finished image or comic page?  Remember the good ole days? ^^;

I thought I was going to have a lot more drawing time, but most of it went to working on book plates for the campaign and tightening the script for chapter 8, which is going to have some great pages.  We've reached the point now where things are starting to calm down.  A lot of the packaging is moving along and now we're just waiting on the books (the shipment of which weighs in at over half a ton!) the guest artist prints, and the Black Box holographic stickers.  Other than that, we're just watching movies and packing envelopes.

Okay, going to go pack a few more things.  I hope you enjoy the sketches.  Hope to have something finished for you soon.  Have a great weekend!



Death of Ink

Looks like Meg and Ellie will be making progress on their playing!


Very cute the bound pieces. I also like how she goes from a proper lady, to full on rambo in the last two sketches XD