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…and prints and stickers and packing supplies!

The final proof for the book has been approved but it’s going to take up to five days for the payment to go through because apparently PayPal felt I needed another roadblock. Whatever, I don’t even care. The order is placed! The hard part is done, now we wait…and make boxes and stuff envelopes! The fun part! Gonna turn on a movie and get crafty!

More mail club packs made it out today! Will send out more once I make it out to the post office.

I just realized, since the money needs a few days to transfer, that gives me extra time to figure out where I’m gonna put 1000 books. 😅

Hope everyone is having a great week! Hope to share some art soon!




Woooooah 😳 that many books could fill up my smol Apartment ahhh xD Best of luck with everything!!! You got this!! I send energy Good vibes!! With pizza too 😁 🍕🍕🍕🍕


*shock*! I can see my box! :o