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…Welcome back everyone!  I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Weekend!

First thing’s first, Weekly Updates are back!  A lot is going to be happening in the coming months and I want you all up to date on the happenings and goings on!

Next, the Mail Club Tier will be closed for a few months (starting in January).  It will return, but not until everyone has received their Mail Club merch.  I was able to keep up with Mail Club for a good stretch, but I’ve fallen too far behind to keep it running efficiently.  There were too many variables that I wasn’t prepared for and too many things that are out of my control; returned mail (more than half of November got returned), printing delays (apparently there was a national paper shortage this past year), an evil label maker, etc.  I’ll be more prepared to handle Mail Club properly when it returns, but for now, I need a break to catch up.  Everyone will get their Merch.

Mail Club members will be dropped to the super minion tier, so you will still get all the comics and WIPs.  And speaking of WIPS, there will be one more set going up before the new year, along with a new page!

Okay…now for the big news…

…The crowdfunding campaign for BLACK LABEL, Vol. 1 will be live in February!  I know!  Finally!  Prepping this has been a lot more work and stress than I’d ever expected, and there’s a lot left to do in the meantime.  Fortunately, I’ve managed to assemble a great team to help me this time round!

Because I’ll be focusing on the campaign and order fulfillment, I won’t be charging Patrons for the month of February, but I’ll still be posting weekly updates.

Now let’s make some comics!  Let’s make a book!

Have a great week everyone!




Good luck with the crowd funding campaign!!! Looking forward to taking part in that, really want a book 😁


Wooo! Looking forward to the crowdfunding

Magnus Olsen

let me known where the crowdfunding campaing url when it start :)

michael D

i hoe you had a merry christmas