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...I thought I had more Wips lying about, but here's a few recent ones, as well as a sneak peek at the next page (Spoiler Warning).

So the other night, we were watching a Youtube video by Clint's Reptiles about the care and feeding of Ball Pythons when we realized that Clint has what I can only describe as, 'a Muppet voice'.   After he made me laugh with a line about impulse purchasing a python, I decided that I had to draw him as a Muppet.  And there he is!

And that is my brave tale.

Okay, I'm going to get back to doing some line art!  Have a Happy New Year, everyone! :D



Death of Ink

Looks like she's gonna play with her after all! I like how they're clearly having fun though! Gives a pleasant atmosphere!

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Well she has permission now. There's going to be hell to pay after though, calling Meg mistress like that. At least that means Blare will have extra reason to watch herself around Ellie. Probably a good thing for a first true Dungeon experience.


Happy and Healthy New Year!


I recognized Clint before I even read your description. I heard those words in his voice too! 😆 Happy New Year!


Haha no, I'd like to but I'm not terribly lucky with pets. Though thanks to Clint if I ever did get a reptile it would either be a Ball Python or Bearded Dragon!


We got a ball python and I can say it is a completely different pet experience for me. She pretty cool company, though!


I do envy you. Before I saw Clint I never would have imagined a snake could be so chill!