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...It's a science joke!

This has been floating in my head for months and I finally sat down and knocked it out!  I don't know if anyone else finds it funny, but I think it's hilarious!

My color work continues to improve!  Can't wait to experiment even more, but for now, it is time to get back to Black Label!  Goodnight, everyone!




Poor control subject. Hopefully she gets her turn soon....


Bought the first comic of this and loved it! Wish this machine was real… Would it work on us guys too?

Henri Black

"Note, significantly less success."


I feel like I've seen this before, or something like it. Has this comic been released before somewhere else?


Hahaha, this looks like it would be a lot of fun 💙


Rigor is important, I'm glad to see attention being paid to it! I mean scientific rigor, of course. <.<

Spelt Wrong, but right.

I don’t know what the joke is, but this comic made me laugh. So the joke has done it’s job.


Proper science always needs a control group even if, and especially if, it involves tentacles.


I'm really feeling for the Control Subject...

Chiron Auva

Damn, now I want an ace pride pin that reads "control subject"


I don't get it.


The girl at the top is being studied for stress relief, she's receiving the tentacle treatment and it's working. The girl at the bottom is a control subject, a person who didn't receive the treatment, but is also being studied for stress. Obviously it is not working.


Just dropped in to wish all you glorious perv... I mean people, a very happy, healthy & safe festive season!!