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…Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a great weekend!

Last weeks plans for a new page went out the window sadly after I lost my Tuesday and Wednesday due to things beyond my control. When it became clear that there was no way I was going to be able to knock out the next page, I decided, Screw it! I’m taking the week off to draw Tentacles!

And so I did! ٩( ᐛ )و I’ll be posting the fruits of my labor for $5 and $10 Patrons later today!

Now I’m back and ready to get the next page done! My other plans for the week: baking bread, going to a friends house for Drink N’ Draw HOLIDAY EDITION, and FaceTime with Family for Christmas!

Drink N’ Draw is exactly what it sounds like, we break out some the art easels, canvas, paints and booze and spend the afternoon making art. I’m usually working in my sketchbook or on my iPad, but I want to try painting this time around. Haven’t painted on canvas in years!

Let me know if you have any fun plans for the holidays! Can’t wait to read all about them!

Alright, let’s get to work! Have a great week, everyone!



have a good time


enjoy the break well deserved not to mention its the holidays :) im just visiting my grandparents


I have a month of school so I plan on getting into writing. I've been told a few times lately that I should, so I'mma give a crack at writing a bdsm novella. Going to follow a character on her path of self discovery. Gonna be a doozy! Especially when you find out what she comes to terms with!