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...and we’re back!

Sorry about the lack of a new page last week. It should be up later today!

So one of the things that’s been slowing me down lately is taxes. I had my taxes ready to go way back in March, but my form from PayPal was wrong and it took them over a month and a half to try and fix it. On top of that, TurboTax 2020 was buggy as hell (because ya know...2020). Next year I’ll be hiring a pro to do it for me, because TurboTax has definitely lost me as a customer. Anyway, finally got my taxes sent off last week and this is the first Monday in weeks that I haven’t had taxes at the forefront of my mind. It’s done and I can get back to concentrating on what’s important...comics!

Ah...stress levels so low...

The next page should be up today and I hope to have the next page laid out by tonight as well. The first set of Mail Club packs went out last Saturday! The next pack will go out this week (there’s a few address that I need to confirm as well as some new members)!

I’m so excited to get back to it, so let’s get started! Have a great week everyone!



Whenever you send the packages out you should make a picture to show how much it actually is XD


As a fellow Leaf, I can totally recommend just going through H&R Block. Easiest Tax season ever


Ah the weekly update post. One of the few things that help me keep track of what day of the week we’re on.


Glad you've got that particular awfulness out of the way for another yeah. Sometimes I think i'd rather have a migraine than to work out my taxes


It still amazes me that you guys can't do your taxes directly through the IRS. We've basically reached the point we log on to the revenue site, fill out a form, attach the documents our employers/investment managers/etc have sent us, and click send. Then within a week, we get a message saying, "Thank you for submitting, here's your rebate."