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...Either tomorrow or Friday I think! Very happy with how it’s looking.

Also included a sketch that may or may not get finished at some point. No story or anything, just a couple elves having fun. Or maybe...

Elf: So you want me to distract the guard for you?

Rogue: Yes. Just for a few minutes.

Elf: How?

Rogue: I don’t know. Anyway you want, I guess.

Elf: Hmmm...

Goodnight everyone!



Henri Black

Meg's bondage suit includes a badass coat? lol

Shrub Jump

Meg needs those leather gloves so she can hold all the whips & chains she's about to use. ;)


I guess the elf is a Bard then 😋


Very fun


When are you going to post another panel for that bonus comic? I wanna see how crazy they get.


Well now that the first mailing is finally going out and my taxes are finally taken care of, maybe there will finally be room for it on my schedule again. Fingers crossed!