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..."I am an adult."

We've reached the halfway point of the chapter!  Had a lot of fun drawing all the rope i  the first panel.  Was tempted to draw a lot more.

Gonna start the next page tomorrow. :)




The page looks gorgeous and I love how casual the conversation is. I've had these discussions before. Meeting new people who are interesting in trying bondage is the best.

Death of Ink

Looks like someone might be a little insecure about their secret kink.

Henri Black

Poor Val... I can't think of any witty comments this time, sorry.


That is indeed a lot of rope. :)


Wow, is that girl hanging almost entirely on her thighs? Also poor Val, everyone but her is getting some action.

Henri Black

Val: I... NEED... an adult... *runs screaming into the hills.


Page looks great! I feel like you knocked this one out rather quickly. Good job!

Shrub Jump

Motivational poster: "Hang in there, baby!" :)

Fritz Sands

This is a very informative evening of gaming.


Val looks at the other girls and realizes she next.


I love conversations like this too. Frank conversations are so uncommon that Everyone believes they’re supposed to be uncomfortable.

Lennart Kölsch

There is only one very small problem I have with your very well made comics And it's that I already know of it's existence but it's still in the making >.< On a little more professional note, you're really doing a good job and there wasn't a single page I disliked so far If you weren't clear about it already I would honestly ask you if you get enough sleep with all the work you put out for us :D Long story short: Great job I can't wait for the next panel :)


Thanks so much! I’m my toughest critic so it’s good to hear I’m staying the course. Despite all the time and work it takes, I’m havinga blast making these. Can’t wait to show everyone where it’s going!


I wanna see Val's head cannon, dms do tend to have crazy imaginations don't they?


Upvote 9K+! Can't agree more. On a seperate note, the jump from pg. 11 to 12 is kinda throwing me under the bus. I mean, from the middle of a combat round to idle conversation about bondage with someone new to the subject, at least to me, without transition is rather jarring.


That could work. I was thinking along the lines of a panel with Val giving the combat results and calling a break. 🤷‍♂️


Meg mentions good tutorial websites, so I'll throw it out there: anyone has good links to share? I'm already familiar with theduchy.com, curious to see if there are others you would recommend.