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…I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!

We’re moving on to the next page of BLACK LABEL and I’ve already got the page designed and a couple detailed sketches worked out! Hope to finish the detailed sketches today so I can start the lines tomorrow!

The next three pages (the way it’s shaping up, it might be four) all go together into what I hope will be a fun/sexy sequence. Should be fun! I’ll be working on the pages in sets of two, so hopefully this will be a two page week! Hopefully we can start making two pages a week a thing now that I’ve got more time. Don’t worry, I’m being sure to pace myself and take regular breaks. Don’t want my wrist getting mad at me. ^^;

I got a big surprise yesterday when we Skyped in a friend for our first DnD campaign in six months. Our three hour game quickly grew to seven. It was great! We might be playing again Tuesday night, so fingers crossed! My Half-Elf Bard, Merry, who has the worst luck with damage rolls, used scorching ray to take out a Bulette. 36 damage in a single shot. Battle was a lot shorter than I think the DM expected. ^^; Merry’s never been so powerful. I was so shocked that all I could do was have Merry walk around in a daze afterward as if he himself got hit by a bit of the blast. Made for some fun roleplay.

Okay, it’s time to make some comics! I hope everyone has a kickass week! Let’s do this!



Glad to hear you had fun!

Shrub Jump (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 05:24:40 Scorching ray? Are we talking magic beam, or laser beam? (Wondering if some of the technology in D&D is anachronistic...)
2020-03-31 03:07:48 Scorching ray? Are we talking magic beam, or laser beam? (Wondering if some of the technology in D&D is anachronistic...)

Scorching ray? Are we talking magic beam, or laser beam? (Wondering if some of the technology in D&D is anachronistic...)


It’s an Evocation. Level 2 Sorcerer spell. I play a bard but I was able to get it as a feat. “You create three rays of fire and hurl them at targets within range. You can target separate creatures with each or target one creature with multiple rays. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 fire damage. One additional ray is created for each slot level above 2nd used to cast this spell.” I’ve found it best to just aim all the beams at a single target.