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...and jury duty is done.  After a week of questioning jurors (some people can't seem to grasp the concept of impartiality and the first amendment) the case was canceled.  The judge called a recess and five minutes later we were told that the trial would no longer be taking place, so we were all free to go.

I should probably feel frustrated that my week was pretty much shot, but I'm actually glad I got to participate in the process.  I never served in the military, so this seems like the least I can do to serve my country.  Also, I would like to serve on a jury at least once, just for the experience.

In the meantime, I have a bunch of emails to get through and a full weekend on the road for work.  I'll be spending most of the day doing prepping for a long weekend, but I do have something I may be able to post this evening.  Nothing too fancy, but I'll see if I can't have it done tonight.

Have a great weekend everyone! :)



Ya same when I went. All the people on trial took a plea deal and we where sent home after less than two hours.