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...the Amazon way!  Looks like Gwen is getting the hang of it!

As advertised, I have Jury Duty this week, so I'm playing catch up with my day job, which means I don't get much drawing time.  Fortunately, I was able to knock this one out.  Based on a sketch I did at Stockton Con last week.

While at Stockton Con, I ran into artist William Stout in the artist alley.  I was unfamiliar with his work, but he's known for drawing dinosaurs and fantasy women.  His stuff is very classy pen and ink with a clear Edgar Rice Burroughs influence (Tarzan, John Carter, A Princess of Mars).  That's one of the things I love about conventions.  I'd never heard of this guy, and not only did I get to see his work, I got to hang out and chat with him a bit.  So awesome!  I picked up two of his art books and they inspired some fresh ideas for the further adventures of Gwen and company.  Like I needed more ideas. ^^;




Very nice piece, she looks really cute and ecstatic! It's cool you got to meet another artist that gave you more inspiration! 😀 I'm looking forward to seeing the further adventures of gwen!


If you need ideas look at books like the old Greek tail of the Odyssey.