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Welcome to CrissieBaby's Patreon!

To my new patrons, thank you so much for your support! I promise to keep you entertained with my super blushy stories!!!

When I uploaded the first chapters of The Girl Who Got Rattled to DeviantArt, I never expected to receive such a wonderful response. I've struggled for years with finding the self-confidence to put my writing into the world. And now that I have, I can't believe it took me so long! That's why I'm so excited that I have the privilege to bring you even more content!

To those of you I've already gotten to know, I seriously can't thank you enough for all of your love and support. To those of you I've never met, feel free to introduce yourself! I have a Discord server called Crissie's Dollhouse and I'm always looking for new dollies to chat and play with! My friend code is CrissieBaby#2912

Again, I'll never stop being grateful to be a part of this community and to have the privilege to do what I love. So thank you, from the bottom of my blorty diaper! 😋

Love, Christina (a.k.a. CrissieBaby) 💕
Added: 2023-05