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"Wow, look how the moonlight is filling the courtyard!  Oooh... feel so... dizzy all of a sudden... I... I need to sit down... Ahh, the floor feels so cool against my skin--don't know why I'm so hot!  The moon... looking at it makes me feel so strange, but I can't look away!  Nnnh, feel so anxious... edgy... and my costume!  It feels so itchy and tight...it's maddening!  Urrrgh,  I can barely keep myself from just ripping this dress right off--wha-?! It... it's tearing on its own!  Why--OHH! My hands!  Growing hair...claws!  It can't be!  It's just like a monster movie... I... I'm changing!  RRRRRRGH!"

It's a little late but here's this month's bonus sketch!  I really liked how it came out, so I added a little quick color to it.  I may have to expand on this next year.  What do you think?



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