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Need to catch up? Start at the Beginning!

“Alpha Girl, listen to me,” said Dr. Hypothesis, trying to stay calm. “I need you to focus. I need you to get back here right away so we can take care of this. Alpha Girl?”

Alpha Girl’s head was spinning. She glanced around wildly but everything was still red. She heard herself breathing raggedly, gasping for air.

“Alpha Girl! Do you copy? Return to base H-Q at once!”

“Doc…I can’t… I can’t get my bearing. I’ve gotta set down… I can’t stay in the air. I… I’ve gotta…”

AlphaGirl descended to the nearest roof. She was trying to move slowly and gently, but her equilibrium was more off than she realized and as her feet hit the surface her legs buckled and she stumbled, hitting the wall of a rooftop utility shed hard. She leaned back against the wall, still gasping for air, trying to calm herself.

“Alpha Girl, are you ok? Tell me what’s happening. Is your vision still acting up?”

Alpha Girl squinted. “Kind of? I—can make things out more clearly, but everything’s still red. Maybe I’m adjusting?” She put her hand to her head. Her forehead was buringing up. “Oh…ohhh, my head is pounding… it’s…it’s so hot… so hot… rrr, I can’t stand it!” She started to tug at her costume top. “So itchy… so tingly… my teeth… my ears… everything feels so… so weird—AH!”

”Alpha Girl, what is it?”

Alpha Girl had felt something sharp jab into her skin as she was pulling at her collar. She pulled her hand away and cried out when she saw it.

“Oh… oh my God… no… n-no way!”

“What? What?”

“My nails… they—they’re growing right in front of me—nnh--- growing… changing! Doc… p-please… please tell me this isn’t what I think it is!”

Alpha Girl will return…




Will she become a flying “super werewolf”?


Hope this gets continued eventually