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Missed Part One?  Read it here!

The woman who called herself Dr. Hypothesis had just about decided to call it a night when the H-Q,’s proximity alarm went off. She flipped the image from the Skywatch Cam to her main screen and sure enough there was the Heroine League’s most reckless, but still infuriatingly likeable, member hovering above the dome, cradling some kind of monster construct’s head in one arm with the rest of it flung over her other shoulder, and beaming like a four year old who’s just presented their mom with a completely inedible breakfast in bed that they had prepared themselves.

Dr. H opened the dome right away as she noticed two things immediately:  For one, AlphaGirl’s hairy prize had sparking wires protruding from different damage points, and for the other, there was blood on Alpha Girl’s leg and shoulder. With her vanquished foe apparently a machine, that meant it was likely AlphaGirl’s own blood, and that was not to be taken lightly.

Before she even set foot on the lab floor AlphaGirl began cheerfully prattling on about her latest battle. Dr. Hypothesis listened but also got right to work. First order of business was securing the contraption that had done the damage. The body was laid out on one of her exam tables, with a Q-Field around it to protect against booby traps and jam any surveillance equipment. The head put directly in a 360 field for analysis later.

Before she could begin an analysis of the robo-wolf, as AlphaGirl has just decided to name it, the next order of business was to examine the apparent wounds on the young heroine.  As expected, once the blood was cleaned off her thigh (and samples collected, per HL protocols) there was no sign of injury at all. The shoulder, likewise, was already almost completely healed, with just the faintest sign of scarring that would surely also be gone in moments.

Now that that business was taken care of, Dr. H could turn her attention to the creature.  “D.A.I.S.Y.*, begin full analysis on item 230703-39A,“ she said as she gestured AlphaGirl to sit up on one of the exam beds.  A few quick taps on her wristwatch and a familiar machine lowered down and extended what looked like three tiny needles on mechanical arms towards AlphaGirl’s shoulder. Three narrow lasers emitted from those needles and began darting across the lower edge of the tear in AlphaGirl’s costume. Slowly the damaged material began to reform over her exposed skin.

AlphaGirl always found the process fascinating to watch, which was a relief to Dr. Hypothesis, because it meant a pause to the steady stream of chatter, and she could give her full attention to the subject at hand.

“This is hardly top of the line work,” she said as the analysis of parts and materials scrolled up her holoscreens. “Patched together with a hodgepodge of components from the usual supertech firms, mixed in with some from the supervillains we’ve faced over the years.

“Any from The Crash?” AlphaGirl asked.

“Good question. No, none of the parts from the manifest. These were likely scavenged from the black market,” Dr. H. said, stroking her chin.  “The only thing that seems to be unique are the teeth and claws. Ah, yes. Traces of Emullite in both.”

“That explains how it hurt me,” AlphaGirl said. “I kinda figured.”

“But it’s an alloy—mixed in with some titanium and… traces of silver? Very odd.”

‘Well, y’know, werewolf,” AlphaGirl said, hopping off the table, admiring the newly restored sleeve. “Well, thanks for the patch-up, Doc. Let me know what else you find.”

“But silver is supposed to be poison to werewolves… wait, where are you going?”

AlphaGirl shrugged. “Gotta get back out there. Patrol’s only half done. Besides, I should backtrack and see if I can figure out where that thing jumped me from. There might be a clue.”

“I don’t think that’s advisable. You don’t understand. This thing was built specifically to attack you.”

“Or AlphaWoman. Yeah, I know.”

“No, you don’t get it. Pure emullite might have injured AlphaWoman. But this diluted alloy would only have worked on you. And we don’t know to what end.”

AlphaGirl frowned for a minute, then shrugged again. “All the more reason for me to get back out there and do some footwork. Hey, you should send a list of the components to Owlgirl to see if she can trace it back to anyone. She lives for that kind of stuff.” AlphaGirl smiled as she tapped the pad that opened the SkyDome.

“But this thing did injure you. I think keeping you 24 hours for observation is in order.” But AlphaGirl was already rising into the air.

“I’m sorry, Doc, but I really don’t think I could stay cooped up in here right now. I got my earcom and tracer. If I feel at all weird, I totally promise I will give you a shout and book it back here. Meanwhile if you find anything else interesting, let me know. See ya, Doc!  Thanks again! You rock!”

And with a whoosh she was gone, back out into the night.

Dr. Hypothesis let out a big sigh, then turned back to see the dead stare of the deactivated werewolf’s head looking back at her.

“OK, fine,” she said, adjusting her gloves. “Let’s really see what you’re all about.”

To Be Continued! 

(*Dedicated Analytic Interface SYstem)

I knew once i had some time this weekend things would start falling into place!  I should space these out more as I expect the week and even the weekend may not have a lot of opportunity for artwork but I'm really excited to share this one with you.  It's time consuming but nice to have my characters interacting in an environment.  Plus this should have been up at the beginning of the month.  Hopefully one more by the end of the month as the next supermoon is also a blue moon!



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