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It’s everyone’s favorite day of the week, WIP Wednesday! Ok maybe not actually, but here’s an update on what I’ve been working on nevertheless.

You’ve seen the results of Thursday’s and Friday’s efforts, as another two JennyBomb panels were posted last weekend.

There’s another full moon this Saturday and that means we’re due for another Luna panel! I hope you folks haven’t minded the slow burn, but things are finally starting to move a little bit this month! In between working on that, I started on another little surprise that will hopefully be ready for the weekend as well.

Two other projects I started this weekend have been competing for time on my breaks. I started on them over the weekend. One is a good ol’ fashioned Weekend Pinup in ColorSketch style, which I finished yesterday. I was really happy with it so I posted it early for the Legion, but all Patrons will get to see it soon! The other is the next profile pic, which I returned to at lunch today now that I got that pinup out of my system. You can probably tell who it is from the picture!

Progress on my next commission is also going well. I finished the inks and the flat colors, and have just a little bit to do with the color details. Then it’s background, rendering, some effects and we’re good to go! If I didn’t have family plans due to the Easter Holiday, it’d probably be finished this weekend. Now that it’s mostly colored, there’s not a lot I can show without spoilers for the client, so forgive the very minuscule screen cap. This piece will not debut here as the client will probably be posting it elsewhere first, but it will make its way here eventually.

I got my days flipped today. Usually Wednesday is for either Luna or CroMagnon’s revenge and Thursday is for JennyBomb, but I guess I got excited and worked on the next panel of JennyBomb today! Flats and most of the details are laid, I just need to finish up the details, drop in the backdrop, render it, then send it over to the laptop for lettering. If I have any time tonight or tomorrow night I will work on finishing that up before I go away, as I need the home computer to add the text. Tomorrow morning, Luna is the priority!

That’s mostly it! As I said, I’ll be away for the weekend, but hopefully you’ll be seeing Jenny, Luna, our weekend pinup subject, and maybe another surprise! Next week we’ll finish up our current commission and return to the pencils on the next one so I can send those out for approval. Lunches will be devoted to getting the next profile done for next weekend, Wednesday we’ll return to Dana—I’ve missed her!—and Thursday we’ll start the panel that will wrap up page two of JennyBomb!

One final reminder that commissions are still open for 2022! Be sure to check the announcement posted at the top of the feed.

Thanks as always for your support! We picked up a few new (or returning) patrons this week, so welcome or welcome back, and stick around! Good stuff coming!



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