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SHE-WOLF (CANINE CRUSADER)  (Updated 6/18 with new power ranking system)

Real Name: Walker, Janet Elizabeth (Jan Walker)

Other Aliases: Liz Wilson

Occupation: Adventurer, Student, Blogger, Photographer

RF Hyperclass: HyperNatural HyperEnhanced, Possible HyperSapien

Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record

Age: ?

Relatives: James Walker, (Father, Deceased), Elizabeth Wilson Walker (Mother), Winslow Wilson (Maternal Uncle), Janet Walker (Paternal Aunt) 

Affiliations: Hypersquad, Halloweeners, Heroine Squad

Allies: Lady Dove, Galaxy Girl, Battle Duck, 

Enemies: General CyBorg, Dracula, Tiger Queen, Madame Anarchy, Hunter J, Darkwolf

Height: 5’ 5" (1.66m)

Weight: 195 lbs (88.5 kg)

Eyes: Red, Pale Yellow Corneas

Hair: Black with Silver Streaks

Power Types: HyperNatural, Hypermorph

Source of Power: Lycanthropy, Possible HyperGenetic Traits

Cause of Powers: Werewolf Bite,  Possible Native Genetic Anomaly

Powers: Heightened Strength, Speed, Agility, Recuperative Abilities, Smell, Taste, Hearing, Night Vision, Limited Shapeshifting ability, Resistance to Cold, Resistance to Mind Control, Razor Sharp Claws

Strength: Extraordinary

Speed: Exceptional

Mental Capacity: Above Average

Durability: Extreme

Energy Projection: 0

Mental Projection: 0

Agility: Extreme

Dexterity: Above Average

Weaknesses: Silver Disrupts HyperRenerative Ability, leaving subject vulnerable to permanent injury or death.  Contact will silver also saps strength and other enhanced abilities except for resistance to mind control.  Powers diminish during daytime hours and peak during full moon phase.  Conversely, extensive lunar exposure reduces control of shapeshifting ability.  Fire and electrical attacks, while not capable of causing permant damage, are more effective than other conventional means.

Power Level Ranking From Lowest to Highest:


Very Limited


Below Average


Above Average




Near Limitless

