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SHE-WOLF (Canine Crusader)  Rev.22.03.19

Real Name: Walker, Janet Elizabeth (Jan)

Other Aliases: Liz Wilson

Occupation: Student, Blogger, Photographer

Age: ?

Height: 5’ 5 1/2” (1.66m)

Weight: 195 lbs (88.5 kg)

Eyes: Red, Pale Yellow Corneas

Hair: Black with silvery grey streaks

Source of Power: Lycanthropy combined with possible latent hypersapien traits

Cause of Powers: Werewolf Attack, unknown genetic anomalies at birth

Powers: Heightened Strength, Speed, Agility, Recuperative Abilities, Smell, Taste, Hearing, Night Vision, Limited Shapeshifting ability, Resistance to Cold, Resistance to Mind Control, Razor Sharp Claws



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