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And here, for the loyal Legionnaires, is the file I'll be using for a color reference, as well as a vector version of her insignia that I can copy and paste into future drawings!

Want to know more about Galaxy Girl?  Read on for some Legionnaire exclusive facts!

*Galaxy Girl gained her powers at age 8. She instantly knew she wanted to be a superhero and immediately began cultivating a shy, awkward persona to serve as an “alter ego.”

*Galaxy Girl first operated publicly as a superhero at age 14 when a fire at her school forced her to act. She put together a makeshift costume using parts from a cheerleading outfit and a majorette uniform.  While she has revised and replaced the costume several times since then, she has always kept some of the characteristics of that original uniform, including the blue and yellow colors, the pleated skirt, and the G on her chest. She chose the name Galaxy Girl to match the G for “Gates Valley High School.” Her schools team name was the Comets, hence “Galaxy.”

*Galaxy Girl operated locally and mostly under the radar for the first half of her career as she developed her skills and powers. She did not become more widely known until sometime after Amazing Girl revealed herself as a Hypersapien and costumed hero. By this time the hero Galactic Man was also in operation, and many people assume incorrectly that she is affiliated with him. Because of her age and relative obscurity, most people take her as a naïve, idealistic rookie when she is in fact one of the more seasoned costumed crimefighters.

*Galaxy Girl’s life was changed forever when an enemy reflected one of her full powered Alpha blasts back at her. The impact altered the delicate body chemistry that allowed her to convert O-Rads into Alpha Rays and protected her from their unpredictable effects, causing her to temporarily mutate into the savage Omegazon. She now wears energy dampening bracelets that help her regulate the energy her body generates the way she used to, although this has resulted in her power levels being somewhat reduced. The accident has given her the new ability to draw out Omega Radiation from other Hypermutants, reversing their mutations either temporarily or permanently. She must maintain physical content with the hypermutant to use this power, cannot use any of her other abilities at the same time, and can only absorb a certain amount of energy without mutating herself (or blacking out while wearing her damper bracelets).
