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I've been meaning to have some standard reference guide for my characters, and thought the pinup I started of Galaxy Girl would be a good place to start.  I also wrote up a bit of a profile:


Real Name: Grace, Virginia Susan (Ginny Grace)

Other Aliases: Omegazon

Occupation: Adventurer, Comic Store Employee (Part Time, Social Media Manager)

RF Hyperclass: HyperEnhanced

Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record

Age: 24

Relatives: Father, Deceased

Affiliations: TBD

Allies: The Canine Crusader, Dr. Sci-Fi

Enemies: TBD

Height: 5’ 6” (1.67m)

Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Power Types: HyperEnergy, HyperMorph

Source of Power: Exposure to Omega Radiation (O-Rads), Unique Body Chemistry

Cause of Powers: Lab Accident, Injuries on Combat

Powers: Ability to generate altered O-Rads (aka Alpha Rays) to form protective energy field which bestows enhanced physical abilities and project concussive force blasts, can absorb O-Rads to reverse HyperMutations.

Strength: Extreme*

Speed: Extraordinary*

Mental Capacity: Above Average

Durability: Extreme*

Energy Projection: Extreme

Mental Projection: None

Agility: Exceptional

Dexterity: Average

*Maximum—Level May Fluctuate During Power Usage--See Weaknesses Below

Weaknesses: Using more than one power will reduce each ability proportionately. For example, when flying while firing energy blasts she can only move half as fast and her blasts are half as powerful. If taking fire while lifting, her strength depletes as the intensity of the attacks she’s absorbing increases. Since her accident in combat, her power can overload causing the alpha rays to revert to O-Rads, causing her to mutate into the monstrous and hyperpowerful Omegazon. Ability to siphon O-Rads off of HyperMutants cannot be used in conjunction with any other power. Absorbing too many O-Rads can cause a blackout due to the dampening effects of her bracelets.

Power Level Ranking From Lowest to Highest:


Very Limited


Below Average


Above Average




Near Limitless

