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As has become tradition, a She-Hulk pic for St. Patrick's day!  This is the last of the three mid TF's I had sitting in sketch form on my iPad, which turned out to be good examples of what I consider an early TF, a Mid-TF, and a Late TF, with this one being the latest.  I've added the other two for comparison, as well as my original pinup of this version of the She-Hulk.  Which stage is your favorite kind of TF one-shot?




I like the early TF ones - where the clothing is *just* starting to give way and she's not quite ready to give over to the Hulk side...


Those tend to be my favorites too, though I find I like these late stage ones also--there's a lot of power to them, and you can do some storytelling about the kind of person they were before through the scraps of clothing.