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Yo Joe!  Here's the finished image of Scarlett I've been teasing for the last week or so.




It would be beyond awesome if you did a comic of Scarlett becoming the she hulk.


LOL! A friend of mine, who is both a music performer and a G.I. Joe fan was just ranting not that long ago about how AWFUL a theme song it is! No verses, no rhyming, no clear genre, just guys randomly singing the concept pitch of the franchise. (I assume she's talking about the regular TV theme and not the full length version from the animated movie.) Meanwhile, my wife would fight you to the death over the Underdog theme song, which she says is the best theme song ever. ;)


Not at the top of my list, but maybe someone would commission it someday. I have always thought gamma ray experiments just screams "MIndbender" (or Cesspool!)

Vincent Aaron Stauffer

Underdog gees, mine as well through in Rocky & Bullwinkle and George of the Jungle for good measure. Now while I did say that G.I. Joe was the best theme song to sing along with, my favorite is actually the 1967 Spider-Man song.