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Nice Things To Have

  • Large fold-out map (stretch) 117
  • Cloth map (add-on) 49
  • Custom dice (I,VII,XIII,XX) (add-on, stretch) 46
  • Softcover UVG Guide Book (add-on) 61
  • OGA Tourist patch (add-on) 33
  • Six color tees (add-on) 20
  • Location / rumor cards (add-on, stretch) 56
  • Bonus locations / mini-adventures by other authors / artists (stretch, physical add-on) 102
  • Soundtrack (stretch) 35
  • Digital tools (stretch) 57
  • Bonus character / creature portraits (stretch) 26
  • Postcards with adventure seeds (stretch) 49
  • Bookmark (stretch) 18
  • Physical Tokens (add-on) 22
  • OGA ref screen (add-on, stretch) 52
  • Softcover Lexicon of the Vastlands printed glossary / idea book (stretch, add-on) 60
  • List of all the heroes (or their chosen pseudonyms) (not an add-on or stretch, just checking if you're reading this far!) 106
  • 2024-02-07
  • 909 votes
{'title': 'Nice Things To Have', 'choices': [{'text': 'Large fold-out map (stretch)', 'votes': 117}, {'text': 'Cloth map (add-on)', 'votes': 49}, {'text': 'Custom dice (I,VII,XIII,XX) (add-on, stretch)', 'votes': 46}, {'text': 'Softcover UVG Guide Book (add-on)', 'votes': 61}, {'text': 'OGA Tourist patch (add-on)', 'votes': 33}, {'text': 'Six color tees (add-on)', 'votes': 20}, {'text': 'Location / rumor cards (add-on, stretch)', 'votes': 56}, {'text': 'Bonus locations / mini-adventures by other authors / artists (stretch, physical add-on)', 'votes': 102}, {'text': 'Soundtrack (stretch)', 'votes': 35}, {'text': 'Digital tools (stretch)', 'votes': 57}, {'text': 'Bonus character / creature portraits (stretch) ', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'Postcards with adventure seeds (stretch)', 'votes': 49}, {'text': 'Bookmark (stretch)', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Physical Tokens (add-on)', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'OGA ref screen (add-on, stretch)', 'votes': 52}, {'text': 'Softcover Lexicon of the Vastlands printed glossary / idea book (stretch, add-on)', 'votes': 60}, {'text': "List of all the heroes (or their chosen pseudonyms) (not an add-on or stretch, just checking if you're reading this far!)", 'votes': 106}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 7, 3, 1, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 909}


Dear heroes,

Welcome to February everybody. To those who've been here long, I hope you're doing well and enjoying your visit to the Golden Age of the Circle Sea. To those who are new, be welcome kindly and consider dropping by the stratometaship discord (link: discord link unborked)for a cup of cat coffee and void veanuts. They're like peanuts, but with more voltage.


The low-key vote on the last post saw the Purple Land win over the Lands Green and Yellow by 8:2:1. But, this isn't the Purple Land update yet. 

Right now I'm in the slightly messy stage of playing with the quick travel rules and house rules, so the teasers this post are more updates than novel stuff:

  • an update on the golem path with art - in the end, y'all wanted to see all the golem characters depicted, so I did that.
  • a revamp of the Red Land to look like the Orange and the Blue ... though the map isn't revisited yet. I'll do that in time for the Red Land District or the Rust Department. This is a big chunk, but not a new piece per se - just more arted up, and with a full equipment list.
  • the mute places - peripheral, ghostly locations - mostly in the Orange Land but also elsewhere. There will be a few more tables to generate places with weird gothic vibes and mad aristocrats and lonely quadrillionaires from Long Long Ago ... but I wanted to share it early because I love the main piece for this section.
  • the opening to the places above - again, because I wanted to share the art to the Ladder of Heaven. I think it's a really cool piece.

The Open Questions and the Polls

Now! The carne of this post. I'm trying to figure out what to nail down for stretch goals and add-ons for the Our Golden Age kickstarter coming later this year.

There were a few suggestions - and we've still got time for more (comments!) - but this poll seems a nice way to start homing in on some things y'all good heroes would love to see.

Vote for the one's you'd _really_ like to see. 4s and 5s on a scale from 1 - I don't care to 5 - essential. I'm trying to figure out what would help you most since, being just a one-human, well ...

I've probably missed some ideas. That's just human. And very, very typical for me.

Right, Thank You, Gotta Run

As usual, I am most thankful and grateful for your support, good heroes! You're making all this possible. But, the dog, the child ... goodness, they need something, not sure what, need to run.



And a happy, good February to y'all.




Super excited just to see the full version of OGA is coming along so well, but there may be bonus things available on the Kickstarter? Hot diggidy that pops! They all look cool, so if any happen I'll be so pleased. Now we play the waiting game...


Just getting in on this... so many cool bits of loot! I am trying to vote for my top favourites, and I see I'm not wholly out of sync and unpopular... except for the bookmark. Can I have one, please?