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Dear Heroes of the Stratometaship.

It is that time of the year when for many the Solstice Burns and the Festivus Moon rises and the Christmas Gremlin pours water on the Midnight Capybara. And others celebrate other year's end holidays, as well.

I hope your year has been good, I hope your holidays will be swell, I hope your next year will be better. I do know that you have made my year wonderful, and for that I cannot thank you enough.

What I can do is add a little bonus, time-limited surprise for your holiday season. Please cast your visual systems downwards to the attachments section of this page. (TIME-LIMITED BONUS REMOVED 2022.01.03)

There, you will see update 0.79 of Seacat. This is par for the course. (changelog added!)

You will also, until the 3rd of January (Korean time), see a special, time-limited gift liberated by Pointyhelmet and Demiwarlock from the Xmas Giant's own arctic demesne.

See you all again next year!

Good days unto you, good humans of good cheer!


&&& EDIT (2022.01.03) &&&

1 - Ho Ho Ho pdf dis-attached. Hope you got it in time!

2 - Changelog for 0.79

  • Completed 10 examples of each consumable: curatives, nocives, enhancers, nutrives, facients, alteratives, munitions.
  • Removed a few weird consumables - they were just taking up space.
  • Added more adventuring gear.
  • Added art to charms, rides, consumables (9 illustrations).
  • Added 10+ vehicles.
  • Renamed deleterious / beneficial mutations to harmful / helpful. Simpler language!
  • Clarified: option to apply burden instead of mutation.
  • Added section on promoting items (spending xp).
  • Added section for monsters (Extras: Monsters).
  • Added mods: initiative, rule forgotten.
  • Clarification: intiative.




Which fonts did you used for the UVG character sheet ? I'll be running a game using seacat soon but I want to modify it slightly, would be nice if I could make it look as good as possible. Merry holidays!


For the original, it was probably Baron Neue for the titles and Alegreya for the content. The new one uses Cooper Hewitt (book weight). Cheers!


Thanks a bunch, happy new year!