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Dear heroes,

Fair greetings this March. Outside, even here in coldest Korea, the first flowers are blooming. I also see that our numbers continue to hover precariously around 600. The algorithms are warning me to market more, brand more.

Well, slowly, sure, perhaps.

Coming this Month

The last couple of weeks have seen me getting a bit more rest and working a bit more slowly. Not having any urgent outside commitments has been a true boon, and I plan to keep that up a little bit longer before taking on any new commissions (hah, I still have a few outstanding ones, so there is always that).

One of the upsides of having finished HMS is that I've been able to loosen up and tackle a few things that had ... piled up in my mind. And others that had just piled up.

So here, in no particular order, is what's on the platter:

1. Seacat

The next installment of seacat is coming soon, and to go with it, an actual promo video for this patreon. Yes, no more will you share a meandering page and try to explain seacat - you'll just share a meandering video!

Anyway, hope to merge all the old files into the new one by this month's end. Magic, breves, the rest ... all in one package.

2. Up to Eleven

Over the last few weeks I've been running a weekly (mildly weird) game again on Wednesday evenings KST. Thanks to my players I've also discovered owlbear.rodeo — a fantastic and very light VTT. Just a shared map, tokens, and dice. Works for me. But, I've also realized that I need an even lighter rpg system for when I play online ... now, conveniently, I've had the bare bones and notes of a system lying around for 3 years now. Last week I dusted it off, spruced it up (the full rules are 1,200 words), and now I'm preparing a prototype adventure to run it. I'm working with Saker Tarsos to also create a digital version to go with it. It's light enough that I should have a shareable version sometime early next week.

This is the character attribute pentagram.

This system has some really elegant tricks, but the best part is: it's referee optional. Of course, it's still probably going to break like a bag of bones in playtesting, but ... here's hoping.

3. Longwinter Prints, Witchburner Reprints

Finally, Longwinter is going to the printers. Got the ISBNs today, getting ready to put them on the covers. And Witchburner is getting a full-colour reprint. Tempted to colorize some of the art in there, to be honest!

There, the Visitor's Guide cover. Just missing it's ISBN. Note how it matches the style of the Witchburner covers.

4. The God Carp's Bestiary

OSE/seacat crossover.

This one is on a bit of a backburner right now, because I need a breather before tackling HMS again :) But let's say ... it elaborates on a subterranean ecology and should slot into either an OSE adventure or a UVG adventure (e.g. the Cave Octopus' garden) with equal ease.

This layout is rather temporary.


Ok, that's it! It's plenty enough for March.

I've also returned to the ekleksikon after a breather. Here are the Govern Nancies (also, that's the cover picture for this update). Plug them in somewhere into your weird wusterland, where you need a bucolic cybernetic life-cult dedicated to surviving beyond the end of time.

And a wallpaper bonus - the Abbey of the Holy Elevator - 3000px wide - in the attachments.

As well as a few ink drawings, the raw jpegs ... perhaps they shall see the light of colour someday?


Questions, thoughts, and more very welcome.

Stay in health and peace, all.






Good to see you’re still going. I seem to have dropped out of some things, like checking some blogs and patrons, for rather longer than I thought. The strange times over the last year seem to have had more impact than I expected. Hope to check in more frequently, as your art is still amazing and inspiring. Meanwhile I have a bit of a backlog to catch up on...


Hell yeah! Excited for a new SEACAT version. :D


Ouh, I hear what you're saying about the last year. It's both ... gone by so fast and crawled by. It's very weird. Very weird.